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Across the Divides,Chile: A Different Perspective

Gill Williamson Smith

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Across the Divides,Chile: A  Gill Williamson Smith book review
Across the Divides,Chile: A  Gill Williamson Smith summary

 | #13790483 in Books |  2008-03-27 | Original language:English | PDF # 1 |  9.45 x1.14 x6.42l, | File type: PDF | 475 pages

||0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.| Long-winded but interesting memories of a missionary's life in Chile|By Helen Hancox|Gill Williamson Smith has written a very hefty book, full of insight into life in Chile from 1971-1980. This period covered time of great change and the chapters describing the political and economic situations, particularly with regard to life on the ground for ordinary people, were excellent.| |This book is a real history of a person who has lived in Chile at the time of conflict and despair; however Gill in her book is able to write lively experiences in very objective and impartial ways. She also excellently describes her life as a Christian Englis

In the challenges confronted by a very ordinary family in far from ordinary circumstances, the author writes of the divides encountered and crossed in a country torn apart politically as well as geologically. Gill Williamson Smith arrived in Marxist Chile with her Anglican minister husband and their three children, all under four years, to an earthquake, endless queues for food, political intrigues and assassinations. Within three years fragile democracy was replaced by ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Across the Divides,Chile: A Different Perspective   |  Gill Williamson Smith.Not only was the story interesting, engaging and relatable, it also teaches lessons.

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